Medex House, 59 Church Gate
Loughborough, LE11 1UE
07746 941705
  • "Excellent Training, learnt lots of
    tips and obviously new skills
    to enhance practice!"

    - T. S.
  • “I really enjoyed the training day with Dr B, she is an excellent Tutor and to have bespoke training just for me was fab"
    - Julieann Gray

Glyderm skin care and Glycolic Acid Peels

Acne Before Laser and Glyderm Treatment

Beautiful, healthy looking skin can be yours with the help of Dr B and Glyderm, a comprehensive line of science - based skin care products created by one of the nation's leading pharmaceutical companies.

For years, thousands of physicians have been recommending Glyderm to their patients who want smoother skin that looks younger and healther.

At the heart of Glyderm is glycolic acid, the alpha-hydroxy acid that is derived from sugar cane. Glycolic acid works by pentrating the skin to help slough off the dry, rough uppermost layer, leaving skin looking smoother, healthier and younger!

Glyderm skin care and Glycolic Acid Peels You will receive over £100 worth of products to use on your patients Please email for further information £250
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